SCALE: Measuring Might in the Media Age

Produced in 2007
Length: 60 minutes
Digital video. Director/Editor/Sound and Picture.
View it here:
A documentary about ending the war in the media age.
Ours is a time of illicit war, unchecked corporate greed, and a presidential regime that supports such indecencies. This is the Bush Agenda, and the conditions for ending it have altered due to the incomprehensible scale of this unparalleled military-corporate-government-media behemoth. Can one person’s actions contribute to checking or better yet changing these huge offenses? And can regular people use the media to grow the scope and speed—the SCALE—of their own voices and principled agendas?
Once, not so long ago (2006)—a time of illicit war, unchecked corporate greed, and a presidential regime that supported such indecencies—two sisters took the media into their own hands seeking change.
Antonia wrote The Bush Agenda, a big book for a mainstream publisher about people’s vs corporate power, and then she went on a corporate book tour.
Alex documented her sister’s “scale-shift,” following Antonia’s ups and downs on the road with her small camcorder and a crew of activists, to make the documentary video SCALE: Measuring Might in the Media Age.
Divisions and connections between the sisters mirror those within the left itself, as the sisters experience the power and tensions of individual action, collaboration, media attention, and grassroots movements for social justice.
SCALE: Measuring Might in the Media Age
A documentary video by Alexandra Juhasz featuring Antonia Juhasz, 2007
Email director for private link.
Genre: Documentary Feature Film
Topics: Activist Media | Documentary | Film/Video Production |