Projects Alexandra Juhasz has curated, programmed, or worked on collectively with others.

Pandemic Media
What we watch, share, want, disregard, erase, don’t watch, and imagine in times of bodily assault.
Topics: 2023-2024: Recent Work | AIDS | COVID-19 | Curatorial, Editor, Organizer | Queer Media | Works from 2023 |

VHS Activism Archive
VHS Archives considers how to store, transfer, share, research, and reactivate media collections facing obsolescence. It is a database of one VHS collection with information, citation, and in some case digitization that can lead to more.
Topics: Activist Media | AIDS | Archives | Curatorial, Editor, Organizer | Feminist Media | Film/Video Production | Queer Media | Works from 2022 |

Long Hauling
A series of essays highlighting the stories of “long COVID” survivors and community efforts to use the lessons learned from other viruses to provide care for patients during the early months of the outbreak.
Topics: COVID-19 | Curatorial, Editor, Organizer | Reviews and Journalistic Writing | Works from 2021 |

Long COVID: We Are Here!
Relational Space Gallery online exhibit. A fearless exploration into the long-haul experience.
Topics: AIDS | COVID-19 | Curatorial, Editor, Organizer | Works from 2021 |

Metanoia Online
What happens when we center HIV history around Black women’s experience and contributions to AIDS Activism?
Topics: Activist Media | AIDS | Archives | Curatorial, Editor, Organizer | Works from 2021 |

Metanoia: Transformation through AIDS Archives
Curated by What Would an HIV AIDS Doula Do? (collective members, Katherine Cheairs, Alexandra Juhasz, Theodore Kerr, Jawanza Williams), Metanoia: Transformation through AIDS Archives is an archival examination of community-based responses to the ongoing AIDS crisis in the USA.
Topics: AIDS | Archives | Curatorial, Editor, Organizer | Highlight | Works from 2019 |

Beyond Story
With Alisa Lebow. An online, community based manifesto. Not everything should be molded into a story. There are many ways to shape a documentary.
Topics: Curatorial, Editor, Organizer | Digital Production | Documentary | Highlight | Media Studies | Pedagogy | Works from 2018 |

VHS Archives
Community members interested in discussing questions, concerns and best practices about the use, preservation, digitization, and research of VHS collections currently held by organizations, scholars, artists, and activists.
Topics: AIDS | Archives | Critical Internet Studies | Curatorial, Editor, Organizer | Digital Production | Highlight |

Fake News Poetry Workshops
Conversation, contemplation, community, and art about participants’ shared interpretations of the connections between social media, verification, and lived truth.
Topics: Critical Internet Studies | Curatorial, Editor, Organizer | Digital Production | Fake Documentary | Highlight | Pedagogy | Works from 2018 |

#100hardtruths #fakenews
Online digital media literacy primer generating principles for each of the first 100 deceptive days of the current administration.
Topics: Critical Internet Studies | Digital Production | Fake Documentary | Highlight | Pedagogy | Works from 2017 |

Collaborations in Feminism and Technology
Topics: Critical Internet Studies | Curatorial, Editor, Organizer | Digital Production | Feminist Media | Highlight | Pedagogy |

Visual AIDS Video Program, Day (With) Out Art, 2016.
Topics: AIDS | Curatorial, Editor, Organizer | Documentary | Film/Video Production | Highlight | Works from 2017 |

A monthly film series pertaining to the Borough. 2018-2019 features documentaries by CUNY faculty.
Topics: Curatorial, Editor, Organizer | Documentary | Feminist Media | Works from 2017 |

Art show exploring the AIDS crisis through art and ephemera evidencing daily experiences & practices.
Topics: AIDS | Curatorial, Editor, Organizer | Highlight |

Organized six national curators who mounted a series of related video programs and art shows.
Topics: Fake Documentary | Feminist Media | Highlight |

Feminism and Art at the Women’s Building, 2012.
Topics: Archives | Curatorial, Editor, Organizer | Feminist Media | Video |

Repurposing Social Media Spaces.
Topics: Critical Internet Studies | Curatorial, Editor, Organizer | Digital Production | Pedagogy | Video |

Fae Richards Archive
Topics: Archives | Queer Media |