Service: Pitzer College
- Presidential Search Committee, elected faculty representative: 2015.
- Director, MCSI: 2013-2016.
- Pitzer Representative to Digital Humanities Mellon Grant Steering Committee.
- Pitzer Representative to WitsOn: online mentoring for women in STEM.
- Advancement, Promotion and Tenure: elected committee, 2008-10.
- Chair, Diversity Committee: 2004-5, 2011-13.
- Co-chair, Policy Task Force on Affirmative Action.
- Chair, Committee on Campus Climate and Civility: 2004-5.
- Co-chair, Ad-hoc Committee on Educational Objectives, 2004-5.
- Trustees Committee on Social Responsibility: 2004-5.
- Elected to Faculty Executive Committee: 2000-2002.
- Diversity Committee: 2001-02.
- Academic Standards Committee: 1999-2000.
- Chair, Academic Events Committee, 1996-97; member 1995-96.
- Voting member, Gender and Feminist Studies field group, 1995-7.
- Founding member, Inter-collegiate Media Studies group, 1995-present.
- Founding Member, Lamda Committee on GLBT of the Claremont Colleges, Spring, 1997.
- Screening Series, Organized and Funded:
- Pitzer Cinematheque (funded by the Pitzer Forum 2001-03), Imagining Labor (the Forum,
- 2001-02), F is for Phony (the Forum, 2000), InMediate Future (Weigund Grant, 1999)
- Alumni in Media, Day-Long Conference, 2001.
- Presentations: Alumni Weekends, Parent’s Days, 1995-present.