VHS Archives, Committed Media Praxis, and ‘Queer Cinema’

Committed media praxis is a doing as much as it is a knowing. Queerness is a manner of
being as much as it is a politics, theory, or set of modish objects. This chapter about topics
that are also processes—queer, media praxis, cinema—performs these across two acts:
“Part 1: A Hesitant or Maybe Just Slightly Defiant Preamble,” is a creative unfolding, in
the body of the text and as much so in its footnotes, of the author’s “queer feminist media
praxis”: “Part 2: VHS Archives” is a demonstration of VHS Archives, a multi-sited, many-yeared
project in experimental pedagogy, web-based archival engagement, and committed
activist interventions into contemporary AIDS activism and queer media.
Published in Oxford Handbook of Queer Cinema, 2021
Ronald Gregg and Amy Villarejo, eds.
Topics: AIDS | Archives | Curatorial, Editor, Organizer | Queer Media | Works from 2021 |