A Place in the Online Feminist Documentary Cyber-Closet

Reflecting upon both the class and the video-book about it, I have come to understand much of these unique practices—in both my production and that of my students, and within its relatively large and undifferentiated internet reception—to have taken place in the feminist cyber-closet. This essay points in brief to some of the lessons of this dark if brightly back-lit place: its structuring absences, its haunting nowheres, its even more eerie everywheres. In so doing, I also begin to name more generally the place(s) of feminism in online, user-generated, social networked “documentary” spaces of Web 2.0—and their politics, scholarship, and pedagogy—while holding these limiting-but-open-access spaces in conversation with the freeing-if-exclusionary places of more traditional feminist documentary.

Published in Media Fields Journal, 2011-08-01

Issue 3 (Fall 2011), "Documentary and Space"

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Topics: Critical Internet Studies |  Feminist Media | 

Alexandra Juhasz