Service: Brooklyn College and CUNY
- Faculty Day: Documentary Panel, Faculty and Staff Resist Panel, May 2017.
- Chair Retreat, Brooklyn College: Organizer and session leader, May 2017.
- CUNY Haitian Studies Inst.: Screening and conversation with Arnold Antonin, May 2017.
- CUNY Grad Center: Class presentation for Teaching Race and Gender, May 2017.
- Teach@CUNY Day: Workshop leader, Practicing Feminist Pedagogy, May 2017.
- VHS Archive: Organize and hold community meetings, February, April, May 2017.
- Brooklyn Faculty and Staff Resist, Co-founder and organizer, 2017-present.
- BC Reponse Art Week: co-organizer, Spring 2017.
- Protest Film Screening Series: Co-organizer with Film Department, January-May 2017.
- Censored Women’s Film Festival: Co-organizer, Film and Women’s Studies, March 2017.
- BC Resistance to Trump Teach In, Speaker, 2017.
- Teaching with Technology Faculty Presentation: September, 2016.
- Chair, Film Department, 2016-present.